All BibTeX entries in one file
Publications in Finnish
| | Faler, Matti (2001): Johdatus demosceneen. In
Sihvonen, Tanja (ed.): Sähköä, Säpinää, Wapinaa: Risteilyjä teknologian
kulttuurihistoriassa. Turku: Turun yliopiston historian laitoksen
julkaisuja nr. 59.
| | An Introduction to Demoscene. A student work for a
University of Turku course whose papers got published. A clear and well
argued introduction that makes a comparison between the demoscene and
graffiti scene. Short extracts of demoscene peoples' speech are also
analyzed. Sähköä, Säpinää, Wapinaa could be available in technologically
oriented libraries Finland-wide. There is one copy at the main library
of Helsinki University of Technology.
| Haavisto, Maija (2001): Diskmagit haastavat lukijan.
Enter 7/2001, pp. 72.
| | Diskmags challenge the reader. An introduction to disk
magazines. Apparently aimed for non-scene people but still contains some
slang that requires previous knowledge on the culture. Available online at
| Inkinen, Sam; Salmi, Markku (1996): Media aseena ja työkaluna
- hakkereita, teknohippejä ja koneromantiikkaa uuden median verkoissa.
In Tarkka, Minna; Hintikka, Kari A.; Mäkelä, Asko (eds.): Johdatus uuteen
mediaan. Edita, pp. 90-91.
| |
Media as a weapon and a tool. In this article there's one-page overview
of the demoscene. Demos are presented in the context of special technical
| Kauppinen, Jukka (2005): Demoskenen alakulttuurista nousee
suomalaisen it:n kärki. Aamulehti 7.7.2005, pp. 20.
| | The top names of Finnish IT industry rise from the demo scene
subculture. Jukka O. Kauppinen is likely the most popular informant when
it comes to Finnish microcomputer history research. Here he provides yet
another overview of the scene. The tone of the article is quite admiring:
the scene is seen as a pre-school for game companies and top positions
in the IT industry -- a view that appears in numerous other articles as
| Kurki, Riikka (2002): WE ARE! Tutkimus postmodernista
identiteetistä sukupuolittuneissa yhteisöissä. Lahti: Lahden
ammattikorkeakoulu (Lahti Polytechnic).
| | A final thesis about postmodern identity in the gender role
communities. Draws a comparative analysis between the demoscene and the
decoscene, a girls' community that swaps decorative friendshipbooks.
Available online at
| Kurki, Visa (2008): Kräkkerikulttuurissa kunnia voittaa
kahisevan. Turun ylioppilaslehti 29.2.2008.
| | A short interview of researcher Jukka Vuorinen, where he
talks about cracking and how it relates to modern day phenomena. Available
| Lönnblad, Hanna (1997): Kahden tietokonedemon vertaileva
analyysi. Musiikin Suunta (Musical Currents), vol. 19, nr. 2, pp.
| | A Comparative Analysis of Two Computer Demos, an article
that resembles Lönnblad's (1998) final thesis. Available online at, but you
can only open the file at Helsinki University.
| Lönnblad, Hanna (1998): Tietokonedemot kulttuurina ja
musiikin harrastuksen muotona. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto (University
of Helsinki).
| | Computer Demos as Culture and Form of Musical Hobby. A
final thesis for the Department of Musicology at Helsinki University. Used
to be online, but is nowadays gone; the only copy we know of resides in
the library of the corresponding department.
| Roininen, Tarja (1998): Demoscene: että tietyt
aineettomat arvot ja tavat yhdistävät joukkoa ihmisiä. Lapin yliopisto
(University of Lapland).
| | Demoscene - That Certain Immaterial Values and Customs Unite
a Group of People. A final thesis for the Audiovisual Media Culture
programme in University of Lapland. Roininen has a peculiar starting
point for her work: she is the mother of a demo scener who got
interested in her son's hobby. The thesis includes a rather
comprehensive overview of the scene as well as some analysis on the
social side of things. All things considered, Roininen manages to make
several exact observations on the scene as an "outsider" but
does not get very far from the statements of the informants.
| Saarikoski, Petri (2001a): Valtavirtaa vastaan -
Demoscene suomalaisen kotimikroilun historiassa. Lähikuva 3/2001, pp.
| | Against the Mainstream - Demoscene in the History of
Finnish Home Computing. A brief article that relates the demoscene to
studies of digital art, youth culture, hacker ethics and domestification
of home computers. Includes plenty of interesting references most of which
we've made available here. Released in the audiovisual culture journal
Lähikuva, which should be available in Finnish libraries; we found ours in
the Social Science Library of Helsinki University.
| Saarikoski, Petri (2001b): Pioneerien leluista
kulutuselektroniikaksi. Suomalainen kotimikroharrastus tietotekniikan
murroksessa 1980-luvun alusta 1990-luvun puoliväliin. Turku: Turun yliopisto
(University of Turku).
| | From Pioneers' Toys to Consumer Electronics, the
licentiate thesis of Petri Saarikoski. Concerns the Finnish home computer
hobby from the early 80's to mid 90's. Available online at,
including the image appendix.
This is not altogether about the scene, but section 9, "Against the mainstream"
and subsection 10.2, "computer enthousiasts and sub-cultures" definitely are.
Section 6, "The outlaws of the computer world" deals with crackers and thus
provides additional information on the roots of the Finnish scene.
| Saarikoski, Petri (2004): Koneen lumo.
Mikrotietokoneharrastus Suomessa 1970-luvulta 1990-luvun puoliväliin.
Turku: Turun yliopisto (University of Turku). BibTeX
| | The Lure of the Machine. Computer hobby in Finland from
1970's to mid 1990's. In his PhD thesis Saarikoski presents the history
of Finnish computer hobbyists as well as the relevant technical and social
factors. Very likely a nostalgic read for people who were involved
with home computers in the eighties. In addition to several references to the
demo scene there's even a whole section (21 pages) dealing with the subject.
This is probably the cheapest place where you can buy the book:
| Saarikoski, Petri; Suominen, Jaakko (2009): Pelinautintoja,
ohjelmointiharrastusta ja liiketoimintaa. Tietokoneharrastuksen ja
peliteollisuuden suhde Suomessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. In Suominen,
Jaakko; Koskimaa, Raine; Mäyrä, Frans; Sotamaa, Olli (eds.): Pelitutkimuksen
vuosikirja 2009. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, pp. 16-33.
| | Gaming pleasures, programming and business. The relationship of
computer hobby and game industry in Finland after the second world war.
In their article Saarikoski and Suominen take a look at the history of
computer games in Finland and the demoscene, especially in relation to the
national game industry. Demoscene-based success stories such as Bloodhouse,
Terramarque, Remedy and Bugbear get mentioned. The overviews of hobbyism,
video/computer gaming and the scene place the contents in a wider historical
and international context. The article is part of a yearbook and can be
downloaded here:
| Tasajärvi, Lassi (2003a): Vain muutaman kilotavun
tähden. AVEK 2/2003, pp. 38-40.
| | For the Sake of Couple of Kilobytes is an article written
for a publication of The Finnish Promotion Centre for Audiovisual
Culture (AVEK). Includes a short history of the scene, endorses the exhibition (2003) and introduces tracker software.
Much resembles Tasajärvi et al (2004) and uses some similar text
portions too. Available online at
Publications in English and other languages
| | Bader, Roland (1990): Elektronische Graffiti. In Schindler,
Wolfgang (ed.): Spieglein, Spieglein, in der Hand... aej Materialien 18
| |
An article connecting demos and graffiti scene. Was later published in
another book: Schindler, Wolfgang (ed.) (2005): MaC* - Reloaded:
Perspektiven aus der Skepsis für *Menschen am Computer. Rabenstück, pp. 182-193.
The latter version is available online here:
| Barbat, Nico (2005): You can't do this on Xbox! SHizZLE -
rumbling with 4 MHz. SCEEN #1, aug 2005, pp. 42-44.
| |
An article about the demo SHizZLE for Pokémon Mini. Some background
info on the device and an interview with p0p, one of the main
developers behind the project.
| | Beck, Jürgen (2004): Lebenszeichen aus dem Untergrund:
Mac-Demoscene. Mac Life 3/2004, pp. 99-100.
| |
A German two-page article about the status of the Mac demoscene in 2004.
Goes through the groups of the time and explains some of the basics of demos
and Mac as a demoplatform.
| | Burger, Boris; Paulovic, Ondrej; Hasan, Milos (2002):
Realtime Visualization Methods in the Demoscene. In Proceedings of the
Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics 2002. Budmerice, Slovakia,
pp. 205-218.
| |
Members of the demo group Peon present the techniques behind their three
demos, Dream, Expiration and Symbolic Expression.
In addition they provide a brief overview of the demo scene and its
development during the years.
Available online:
| | Borzyskowski, George (1996): The Hacker Demo Scene and
Its Cultural Artifacts. Curtin University of Technology.
| | A study conducted for the School of Design at Curtin
University of Technology, undertaken from 1992 to 1994. Probably the
oldest, and since it has been available online for quite some time, the
most referenced scholarly work about demoscene available. We've not
discovered if this is a thesis, but it was at least presented in the
Cybermind Conference 1996. Borzyskowski draws upon a heavy corpus of 765
demos, and employs these for a relatively subjective description of
demos' content. You can read the work online at
| Carlsson, Anders (2008): Chip Music: Low-tech Data Music
Sharing. In Collins, Karen (ed.): From Pac-Man to Pop Music. Ashgate, pp. 153-162.
| |
An article about chip music published in a book. First there is an
introduction to the scene itself and chip music and finally the writer
provides some observations on the current state of the genre. Some parts
of the text reach outside the mere demoscene and describe the phenomenon
in relation to other underground music as an example. Like Tasajärvi
Carlsson juxtaposes chip tunes and open source and while there is truth
to it from a technical point-of-view one can also ask whether this
openness was originally intentional or just a byproduct of the medium.
| Cruz, Filipe (2005): Mobile mayhem. Demo platforms of the 21st
century: cell phones. SCEEN #1, aug 2005, pp. 52-56.
| |
An introduction to demos on mobile phones and three interviews with people
who have been involved with mobile demos. It should be noted that the article
represents the situation of 2005 and before, after which the multimedia phones
have seen significant changes.
| Grohé, Moses (2006): Malen nach Zahlen. GEE 23/2006.
| |
Demoscene introduction and a brief interview with the German demo group
Farbrausch. Available online:
The same text was also published on Spiegel Online:,1518,442536,00.html.
| Göhler, Stefan (2007): Am Anfang stand die Raubkopie. Computer-Demos: von der Cracker-Visitenkarte zur Kunstform. c't 1/2007, pp.84-89.
| |
An introduction to the demoscene.
| Huuskonen, Juha (2004): The Art of Defining Software Culture:
The Benevolent Dictators of the Read_me Festival. Framework 2/2004,
FRAME Finnish Fund for Art Exchange.
| |
In his article Huuskonen brings up the connection between VJ culture,
demo scene and underground media art. He even dares to mention that
such communities are often closed and self-sufficient: something that's
overlooked in most articles written about the scene.
The online-version is available here:
| Knoke, Felix (2005): Demoscene. Rechenkünstler. Intro 126, 2005.
| |
Another brief introduction to the scene in German.
| Koenig, Aaron (2004): Coole Kunst im Rechner. Die Zeit 29/2004.
| |
A German overview of the scene. Farbrausch seems to be involved in many of
these, here too they get to comment on issues.
Available online:
| Molinari, Maria (2002): Si scrive demo, si legge arte.
Hacker Journal 15/2002, pp. 10-13.
A four-page article about the demo scene. Unfortunately this is in Italian
only so we can't comment too deeply. Seems to be an ordinary overview of the
phenomenon with some connections to hacking and cyberculture. Available
| Nordli, Hege (2003a): The Gathering - Computer Parties
as Means for Gender Inclusion. IST-2000-26329 SIGIS, Deliverable Number:
D04, 2003. BibTeX
| | A sociological study of gender inclusion strategies,
conducted at three Gathering parties. The empirical material is a
combination of observation and interviews, which Nordli analyzes in
mostly a descriptive style. The paper is a part of the dissertation of
Nordli (2003b). Available online at
after registration.
| Nordli, Hege (2003b): The Net is not Enough: Searching
for the Female Hacker. Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
| | A doctoral dissertation for the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology. Nordli studied the essence of female computer
enthousiasts for a few years and then documented her findings in this
dissertation. Not everything in it concerns demo scene, but there's a whole
chapter on computer parties for example. She divides the female enthousiasts
to three sub-groups: IRC-babes, professionals and geek.grrls that all have
their own characteristics. Demo scene has traditionally been
a male hobby and here you can find several contributing factors why it
is so. On the whole Nordli's work can be seen as a continuation of
older hacker studies conducted by Sherry Turkle and Steven Levy.
| Pappalardo, Davide (2004): The Scene and Its Art. University
of Catania.
| | A part of a larger research originally conducted in Italian and
then translated to English. First a short introduction to demoscene and then
a collection of several influential demos annotated. The style is
surprisingly subjective considering it's a scientific publication.
| Polgar, Tamas (2005): Freax. The brief history of the
demoscene. Volume 1. CSW Verlag.
| | The large-scale scene history book by Tomcat/Madwizards. His
research started already in 1996 and culminated in this book. The first
volume contains the history of Commodore 64 and Amiga scenes. In the
book you'll find numerous screen shots, interviews and analysis of
important productions and parties. It is especially refreshing to get a
glance of the East European scene since it's often been omitted in other
histories. To fully comprehend the book you're required to have some
prior knowledge of the demo culture already, which was the original goal
as well: from sceners to sceners. From a scientific point of view
there's a slight problem with the prosaic style since Polgar seldom
mentions his sources -- occasionally it's hard to distinguish between
actual events and scene gossip. Regardless of its minor flaws this is
currently the scene book and should not be missed by anyone
doing research on the subject. Volume 2 about the PC and alternative
scenes is planned for 2007.
| Reunanen, Markku; Silvast, Antti (2009): Demoscene
Platforms: A Case Study on the Adoption of Home Computers. In
Impagliazzo, John; Järvi, Timo; Paju, Petri (eds.): History of
Nordic Computing 2. Springer, pp. 289-301.
| We're not in any position to comment on the quality of this
publication, so let's just go through the contents. The paper deals with
the processes that took place in the demoscene when it moved from a
hardware/software platform to another, and the discussions surrounding the
migrations. The study is based on contemporary disk magazines such as
R.A.W. and Usenet newsgroups such as Perhaps
the most important findings are the self-reflective nature of the community,
and that the demoscene is by no means the first group of people to endorse
new platforms, even if its members are otherwise proficient with new
technology. Article is available through SpringerLink.
A local copy can be downloaded here.
| Scheib, Vincent; Engell-Nielsen, Theo; Lehtinen, Saku;
Haines, Eric; Taylor, Phil (2002): The Demo Scene. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2002
Conference Abstracts and Applications. ACM Press, pp. 96-97.
| | A short introduction to the demo scene published at the valued
SIGGRAPH'02 conference. Mostly consisists of the bios of the authors. The
article was part of the Demoscene Outreach
Group activities.
Shatz, Phil (1993): Walkthroughs and Flybys CD. Waite Group Press.
| |
A collection of various demo-related things on one CD, accompanied by a
book. The great variety of contents can be somewhat confusing: in addition to
demos you'll find FLI animations and curious commercial demos. The book on the
whole is very catalogue-like and there's very little analysis on any of
the topics presented. Suprisingly, Walkthroughs and Flybys was a small-scale
bestseller with over 50000 copies sold.
Shatz, Phil (1994): Modeling the Dream CD. Walkthroughs and Flybys II.
Waite Group Press.
| |
A sequel to Shatz's previous book and very similar in content. This time in
addition to the demos and animations there is a chapter on 3D Studio.
Scholz, Alexander (2007): Iconoclash. Opium for the masses. SCEEN#2,
2007, pp. 50-56.
| |
An article about the demogroup Andromeda Software Design (ASD). Presents
the group, its history and some interesting background info on their best
known demos.
Scholz, Alexander (2007): Teenyweenyfantastikum. A whole world in a
4 kilobyte nutshell. SCEEN#2, 2007, pp. 72-75.
| |
An interview with Sebastian Gerlach (Minas/Calodox), the creator of numerous
4k intros.
| Shor, Shirley; Eyal, Aviv (2002): DEMOing :: A new
emerging art form or just another digital craft? BibTeX
| | An introductionary article written by the New Yorkian
artists Shirley Shor and Aviv Eyal. The authors want to show that demos
are unique audio-visual virtual constructs with deep formalistic and
aesthetic roots in the computer underground movement of the 80's.
Similarly to many demoscene introductions, the tone of the text is very
enthousiastic, and it makes a number of connections e.g. to hiphop
culture. The article has been published on the Art-E-Zine
You can read the work online at
| Tasajärvi, Lassi (2003b): -
The Exhibition. Arsis 1/2003, pp. 9.
| | A brief introduction to demo culture as a phenomenon plus
an advertisement of the demo exhibition held in Kiasma. Available online
| Tasajärvi, Lassi (ed.); Stamnes, Bent; Schustin,
Mikael (2004): Demoscene: the Art of Real-Time. Helsinki: Even Lake Studios
& BibTeX
| | Declaring itself "the first book ever about the demoscene
culture", this book accompanies the Tasajärvi curated exhibition (2003). Inside are an introduction to
demo culture, a couple of interviews, discussion of tracker software and
an article about the Gathering party. Also dubbed "the demoscene art
book", the demos explained and screenshots are the same as exhibited
i.e. those of the audiovisual community A description is
available online at
The book is now available as e-book too, you can purchase it at
| Vigh, David; Polgar, Tamas (2006): Freax Art Album.
CSW Verlag. BibTeX
| | Continuing the tradition of the original Freax this
is a book from sceners to sceners. There's very little text this time --
the book mainly consists of scene art pictures ranging all the way from
Commodore 64 disk covers to 24-bit PC graphics. Some knowledge on the
underlying platforms and their limitations is necessary to truly comprehend
the presented works. The selection of artists and images is naturally a highly
delicate matter and you may find a hint of unavoidable nepotism here and
there. Nevertheless, Freax Art Album is a worthy collection
of images and serves as an interesting cross-section to the styles and themes
of different eras.
| Zelazny, Stefan (2006): Digitale Kunst und Demoscene. Von
Pickelgesichtern und Raubkopien zur digitalen Kunst. computer-Postille 3/2003,
pp. 3-5. Universität Dortmund (University of Dortmund).
| | A german article about demos in general with several screenshots.
Available online:
| | |
Related publications
| | Arrasvuori, Juha (1999): Tietokone soittimena -
'digitaalisen musiikin' lähtökohtia. In Järvinen, Aki & Mäyrä, Franz (eds.):
Johdatus digitaaliseen kulttuuriin. Tampere: Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
(Tampere Polytechnic) & Osuuskunta Vastapaino.
| | Computer as Instrument - Starting Points for Digital
Music. An introduction to digital music that briefly discusses tracker
software in a footnote (see p. 203).
| Aune, Margrethe (1996): The computer in everyday life.
Patterns of domestication of a new technology. In Lie, Merete & Sørensen,
Knut (eds.): Making Technology Our Own: Domesticating Technology into
Everyday Life. Scandinavian University Press.
| | An article dealing with the domestication of new technology
(as the name suggests).
| Bagnall, Brian (2005): On the edge: the spectacular rise and
fall of Commodore. Variant Press.
| | This book could easily be called "Commodore Hackers" --
the style is so similar to Levy's (1994) book. Bagnall takes you through the
entire history of Commodore computers ranging from PET to the last Amigas.
The book is mostly based on interviews of the former employees such as
Chuck Peddle, Bil Herd and R.J. Mical and partly on contemporary magazines.
This is not any scientific publication so be aware that many of the
opinions stated in the book may be somewhat colored. Nevertheless: the
book is a good read and provides extensive insight on its subject.
| Bertelsons, Boris; Rasch, Matthias; Hoffmann, Jan Erik (1995):
PC Underground. Unconventional Programming Topics. Abacus.
| |
This book deals with various "underground programming topics" such
as assembly language, VGA register tweaking and copy protection. Originally
published in Germany by Data Becker and then in the USA by Abacus. Does not
contain any explicit demo references but is obviously influenced by the demo
and cracker programming techniques.
| | Borsook, Paulina (2000): Cyberselfish: A Critical
Romp through the Terribly Libertarian Culture of High Tech. New York:
Public Affairs.
| | A critical study about the social impacts of technology.
The actual subject of this book are the techno-libertarians of USA, but
maybe there's some anarcho-capitalism, social Darwinistic metaphors and
excitement about the Hobbesian war of all against all to be found in the
demoscene as well? See more details in
| Dimmen, Pål (2003): Datamaskinell Piratvirksomhet: Fra Altair
Basic til Kazaa. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen (University of Bergen).
| | A master's thesis that deals with the history of piracy and
the cracking scene (which is closely related to demo culture history).
Available only in Norwegian for now.
| Dittbrenner, Nils (2007): Chip-Musik: Computer- und
Videospielmusik von 1977-1994. Universität Osnabrück.
| | A book about the history of chip music in computer and video
games. Only available in German for now. Can be purchased here:
| Forster, Winnie (2005): The encyclopedia of Game.Machines:
Consoles, handhelds & home computers 1972-2005. Gameplan.
| | An illustrated history book of game consoles and home
computers from the seventies to these days. Provides useful background
information to the scene researcher as well. Visually stunning and an
entertaining read with numerous high-quality screenshots and photos of
the devices.
| Franke, Herbert W. (1971): Computer Graphics - Computer Art.
London: Phaidon Press.
| |
An early overview of the domain of computer art, written originally in
German (Computergraphik - Computerkunst). An enlightening read with many
illustrations from the 1960s when computers were still out of reach of
everyday people. Many of the screen captures and prints actually look a
lot like demo effects. Out of print, we got our used copy from
| G.N. (1986): Die ehrenwerte Gesellschaft:
Treffen der Cracker-Gilde Deutschlands. Happy Computer 10/1986.
| |
An old article from the German magazine Happy Computer. Deals
with cracking. Unfortunately we can't find the full name of the author.
Available online:
| Harry, M. (1985): The Computer Underground. Loompanics
| |
A rather mixed collection of writings about phreaking, piracy and
hacking among other themes. Contains even tutorials on misusing
different systems.
| Levy, Steven (1994): Hackers. Dell Publishing.
| |
A fundamental piece of work that deals with the different hackers ranging
from the 50's to the 80's. Starting with the "true hackers" of MIT Levy moves
to the hardware hackers of the 70's and finally the game hackers of the late
70's and early 80's. Filled with numerous lively anecdotes and characters
the book is easy and entertaining to read. On the whole we warmly recommend
this book to anyone who wishes to widen her picture of the computer
culture and hobbyists.
| Moschitto, Denis & Sen, Evrim (2000): Hackertales.
Geschichten von Freund + Feind. Germany: Tropen Verlag. BibTeX
| | Hackertales - Tales about Friends + Enemies. A fictious book
about a German phreaker. The authors are demosceners who have worked for
groups such as Scoopex and Shining-8. Written in German. A description is
available online at
| Moschitto, Denis & Sen, Evrim (2001): Hackerland. Das
Logbuch der Szene. Germany: Tropen Verlag. Third revised edition. BibTeX
| | Hackerland - the Logbook of the Scene. An introductory book to
software piracy, phreakers and hacker culture. Scenes formed around
illegal activities take a main role in the book, but there also are bits
about demoscene and -parties (see pp. 110-120). The authors are
demosceners who have worked for groups such as Scoopex and Shining-8.
Written in German. A description is available online at
| Nissen, Jörgen (1993): Pojkarna Vid Datorn: Unga Entusiaster
i Datateknikens Värld. Stockholm: Symposium Graduale.
| | Boys in front of computers, the young enthousiasts in the world
of information technology. A sociological PhD thesis on the young Swedish
computer users. We haven't found this one yet.
| Nordli, Hege (1998): Fra Spice Girls til Cyber Girls. En
kvalitativ analyse av datafascinerte jenter i ungdomsskolen. STS-report 35,
Centre for Technology and Society, Norwegian University of Science and
| | A research article written in Norwegian. Describes the attitudes
of young computer enthousiast girls. Was later published in English as well
(see below).
| Nordli, Hege (2001): From 'Spice Girls' to Cybergirls:
The Role of Multimedia in the Construction of Young Girls' Fascination
for and Interest in Computers. In van Lieshout, Marc; Egyedi, Tineke;
Bijker, Wiebe (eds.): Social Learning Technologies. The introduction
of multimedia in education. Ashgate Publishing, pp. 110-133.
| |
The results of a research concerning the attitudes of young computer
enthousiast girls ranging from 14 to 16 years of age. Discussion is provided on
the gender roles as well as the importance of multimedia in education.
An interesting finding is that not even the most enthousiastic girls want
to be associated with nerds because of image reasons. Another interesting
point is that big brothers tend to occupy the family computer which in turn
leads to loss of interest. The study is a part
of a larger trend: the Norwegian authorities were worried about the
small number of women studying computer science or working in the computer
A bit different version of the study is
available online.
| Rehn, Alf (2004): The politics of contraband - The honor
economies of the warez scene. Journal of Socio-Economics 33, pp.
359-374. BibTeX
| | An article that describes a system of modern gift economy in
the software pirate (warez) scene. Rehn writes about reputation
tournaments and status maintaining that are very similar to demoscene.
There are also interesting accounts on how Rehn conducted the
participatory ethnography for the research in the Internet. The article
is available online at
| Thomas, Douglas (2002): Hacker Culture. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press.
| |
In his book Thomas describes the attitudes, media representations and the legal
position of hackers. In this context hacking and hackers
refer specifically to the phone/network hackers of the 80's and 90's such as
Kevin Mitnick, who is specifically presented as a case example. Hacker culture
is categorized as a boy culture loaded with competition and strive for
independence. Some good observations on the incorporation of subcultures,
technophobia and hacker language offer insights to a demo researcher as well.
| Turkle, Sherry (1984): The Second Self: Computers and the
Human Spirit. Simon & Schuster. BibTeX
| | An influential book that deals with the complex relationship
of computers and humans. In her research project Turkle studied a large number
of people ranging from kids to oldschool hackers and computer science
students. The way that Turkle treats her informants is exemplary: she
clearly respects their points of view and tries to understand them.
An important theme that pops up throughout the book is the role
of the computer as a mirror of the human spirit. Turkle's text is easy to
follow and doesn't need prior knowledge on either computers or
psychology to be understood. Since 1984 a lot has changed, but the main
points made in the book still remain valid.
| Turkle, Sherry (1995): Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age
of the Internet. Simon & Schuster.
| |
Another well-known book by Turkle, dealing with the challenges and
possibilities the Internet, virtuality and artificial lifeforms
introduce to their users. On one hand a well-written and analytical
piece, but on the other hand hasn't aged too well (in 1995 MUDs were
popular and the number of Internet users was still low - now we're in a
completely different situation) and partially overlaps with The
Second Self. The general insights on gender, power and multiple
selves are probably the most useful content of this book.
| Vuorinen, Jukka (2007): Ethical codes in the digital world:
comparisons of the proprietary, the open/free and the cracker system.
Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 9, nr. 1, pp. 27-38.
| |
In this sociological article Vuorinen discusses the differences between
the ethical codes of crackers, the open source community and proprietary
software companies, focusing particularly on how the codes have
"differentiated" to become inconsummerable with one another. When
Vuorinen talks about the scene it is the cracker scene he is
referring to, demos are just briefly mentioned in a couple of
paragraphs. Nevertheless, the practices of the cracking scene can easily
be compared to those of the demo scene as well. Moreover, both demo
people and crackers seem to face alike differences when put in
relationship to the ethical codes of the open source community and
sofware companies.
| Wajcman, Judy (1991): Feminism Confronts Technology. Polity
Press. BibTeX
| | In the book's chapter "Technology as Masculine Culture", Judy
Wajcman looks how the computer has become socially constructed as a male
domain. Through examples from professional and hacker worlds we see, how
computers are associated with boys and men, and why girls approach the
computer with less confidence than boys. These findings are in line with
Sherry Turkle's (1984) ones.
| | 8 bit core (2005): C=64 Demosampler
| |
The Commodore 64 demo DVD project, similar in concept to for example
MindCandy. Two volumes available for free online: or
| ARTE (2003): Tribal - Demoszene
| | A German demo documentary shown as part of the Tracks
series of the art oriented tv channel ARTE. Contains an introduction to demos
with some video footage. The German group Farbrausch was interviewed and
appears on the clip. Available here:
| Atariscene DVD Project
| | Similar to MindCandy this project of the active Atari
group Dead Hackers Society aims to make Atari demos easily viewable
in DVD format. So far three collections have been published.
| Brandt, Felix: Atari ST demo history
| | The history of Atari ST demos from 1987 to 1999 written by
Flix/Delta Force. In addition to short descriptions and screenshots you
can actually download all the demos as well.
| Chapman, Ian (1999-): Big Book of Amiga Hardware
| | The definitive collection of Amiga computer and expansion
card specs.
| | A collection of some Amiga crack intros with screenshots and
| The exhibition (2003)
| | The exhibition was held in Kiasma,
the Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki between 28.3-15.6.2003, curated
by Lassi Tasajärvi. The demos shown were from Byterapers, Virtual Dreams,
CNCD, Parallax, Maturefurk, Komplex, Tpolm, Doomsday, Orange and various
permutations of members. See
for more information.
| Demoscene entry at Wikipedia
| | Quite a nice overview that seems to receive updates every now and then.
| Edge Staff (2008): Inside the PS3 Demoscene.
| |
An article about the commercial PlayStation 3 demo Linger in Shadows
by the Polish demogroup Plastic. Additionally there is
some discussion about the potential of game consoles as demo platforms.
Read the article here:
| The Eurochart online
| | The Eurochart has documented the Amiga scene since 1989.
Competition is a fundamental part of the culture and the charts reveal the
popularity of groups, individuals and productions through the years.
| Green, Dave (1995): Demo or Die! Wired, Issue 3.07.
| | Yet another introduction to demos, written in a slightly
cheapening tone -- scene people are referred to as "kids". However, connects
demos to other phenomena of the time.
| Gruetzmacher, Thomas (2004): PC Demoscene FAQ
| |
Located here:
Explains many of the fundamental concepts and terms used in the scene.
| Hartmann, Anja (2008): Type-Demos: Die Rolle der Schrift in der Demoscene
| |
A seminar paper written in German about the role of text/script in demos.
The focus is on new productions. The paper and an interview of Hartmann
can be found here:
| IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
| | IEEE journal published four times a year. Contains a wealth
of information on the computer history. The abstracts of the articles
are available for free but to access the full texts you need to pay (note
that many universities have purchased the access to the IEEE electronic
library so by chance you might have it too).
| |
A site dedicated to the crack intros on Commodore 64. Extensive collection of
intros available for download.
| Järvinen, Aki (2000): Demoscene Sub or Pop?
| | A lecture held in Tampere University. The slides disappeared for
a couple of years but the author kindly provided them for us:
| Knoke, Felix; Kremp, Matthias (2007): Kunst ist, was klein ist
| |
An introduction and short descriptions of some demos. Published on Spiegel
| Kuittinen, Petri (2001): Computer Demos - The Story So Far
| |
A quite often referenced web page containing yet another introduction to the
phenomenon, several links and images plus a glossary.
| Leonard, Jim (1995?-1998): PC Demos Explained
| | A classic site by Jim Leonard aka. Trixter of Hornet.
Widely known among the sceners and an often referenced source. Nowadays
out of date, but still useful if you want to know how things were seen in 1996.
This is a new mirror for the page:
| Linde, Ingo (2005): Medienaneignung und Medienamateure am
Beispiel der so genannten >Demoszene<
| |
A German introduction written from the point of view of animation, new media
and amateur art. Available here:
| Lunder, Glenn (1996-): ExoticA! Scenery Project
| | An enormous collection of Amiga and Commodore 64 demo group
information. Includes group members, ex-members and productions.
| MindCandy
| | A project producing DVDs with classic demos. A nice way of viewing
hard-to-run old productions on modern hardware.
| origami digital - Demos without restrictions exhibition
| | A demoscene exhibition held in the Museum of Applied Arts
Frankfurt between 10.12.2002-20.2.2003. At the exhitibions website
you'll find short introductionary texts to demoscene. As for the
exhibition's name, the artefact of an origami serves as a comparison for
demos: the japanese art of folding papers to complexe figures also
underlies various restrictions. Aside from this, Digitalcraft also hosts
other interesting
exhibitions about the craftmanship culture of computing.
| Polsson, Ken (1995-2008): Chronology of Personal Computers
| | An extensive timeline of the computer history from 1947 to these
days. Based on contemporary magazines such as Byte and
Info World. According to the website the history will be compiled into
a book later on.
| Pouë
| | The most active demo scene portal of today featuring thousands
of productions with screenshots and discussion.
| Raymond, Eric S. (2003): The Jargon File, version 4.4.7
| | The definitive hacker slang dictionary which was later also
published as a book called The New Hacker's Dictionary.
| Simmonds, Ashton (2001): Decoding Art. A Critical Analysis
of the Demo Scene.
| | A general article about the scene. Touches topics such as
demographics, social organization and demo genres. Possibly a BA thesis,
but we can't confirm it.
Online (long URL).
| Scheib, Vincent (2001): Introduction to Demos & The Demo Scene: How they Relate to Games, and their Appearance at SIGGRAPH. Gamasutra.
| | Another introduction to the scene, this time published on the
game-oriented Gamasutra website. Makes connections between
demos and games, as can be expected in the context. SIGGRAPH is mentioned as
a possible venue for exhibiting demos (see Scheib et al. 2002).
| Tasajärvi, Lasse et al (2005-): Demoscene: the art of
real time
| | Accompanying pages for Tasajärvi's book DEMOSCENE: the art of
| Topf, Mario (2005): Entwicklungstendenzen des Designprozesses in der Demoszene, betrachtet im sozio-technischen Kontext
| |
A seminar paper written by Paralax/Speckdrumm for a course held at the Vienna
University of Technology. Seems to deal with the design process of demos.
Available here:
| Vigh, David (2003, 2008): Pixelstorm
| | An annotated collection of scene pixel art with some information
about the artists and their tools.
| Volko, Claus-Dieter (1998-): Demoscene articles
| | Several writings of Claus-Dieter Volko (Adok/Hugi). Mostly
from and about disk magazines -- or diskmags as they are called.
| Walleij, Linus (1998): Copyright finns inte (Copyright
Does Not Exist), V3.0.
| | An online book in Swedish by Linus Walleij, aka. Kingfisher/Triad.
Contains a lot of text on different digital subcultures such as hacking,
cracking, demoscene and cyberpunk. In addition to that there is a rather large
bibliography on underground topics. The link:
These days there is also an English translation, available here:
| Warncke, Kathrin (2007): Demoszene: Kunst auf vier Kilobyte
| |
An general article about the demoscene, written in German. Available online:
| x8oi2h3_0000202 (2001): Process over Product:
Generative art and the new demo
| | A short article from the Hugi diskmag that connects scene activities
to art history. Online (long URL).
| ZDF (2008): Demoszene: Hollywood in 64 Kilobyte
| | A German video documentary about demos. Available online: