Chromebook, Crouton, Openbox and VICE

April 5th, 2015

Those of you who have tried to run the VICE emulator on Crouton+LXDE have probably noticed that it doesn’t go to proper fullscreen – probably due to some conflict with Openbox. A bit better on Xfce4 (keep pressing alt-d a few times), but not perfect, and I don’t use it anyway. After experimenting with various compilation options I eventually got SDL UI working, but that’s very crude and requires recompiling anyway. So let’s make and add a new mode instead:

xrandr --newmode "768x580_60.00" 35.19 768 792 872 976 580 581 584 601 -HSync +Vsync
xrandr --addmode LVDS1 768x580_60.00

After this start VICE again and go to Settings – VIC-II settings – Fullscreen settings – XRandR Resolutions and choose the brand new mode. After this alt-d should bring up a rather tidy fullscreen with no desktop remains or window borders anywhere.

edit: LVDS1 is for the internal display of this model, you might need to change it for yours. Plain “xrandr” will tell you what is available.

Filed under: laitteet,linux,retro,softat

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