PC – Arduino – Sharp

October 2nd, 2011

This time in English. After a few nights of intensive hacking, I’m happy to announce the availability of MZduino, a link cable + software to transfer MZF files to Sharp MZ computers using an Arduino board. Full source and instructions available on the dedicated page. I also linked some older snippets to the brand new Projects page.

The roots of MZduino date back to the early 2000s, when I made my first link cable. Back in the day things were a bit easier, since PCs still came equipped with a parallel port, which was easy to control and access. The next time I needed to transfer something to my Sharp, in the summer of 2011, I had to put together a complex setup consisting of an MSX, a Nowind and a cable from the MSX joyport to the Sharp. MSX was then replaced with an Arduino, which is much easier to lug with you. Rather interestingly, the transfer program running on the Sharp is still pretty much the same as the original one, except that now it supports checksums plus load and start addresses.

Filed under: koodi,laitteet,retro

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