Recent work:

Meego Quality Assurance Services
With talented folks at Leonidas I've been working on great UX project for MeeGo community. QA test reports are intelligently created, processed and visualized in order to create a state-of-the-art quality assurance tool for mobile industry.
Client: Meego community
I did: UX design, xhtml / css

DVD cover art
For years now I've been the main responsible for the cover art of DVD's published by Finnkino (I haven't counted, but it's hundreds of titles by now). It's a fast pace creative work, with a touch of movie star glamour.
Client: Craft Oy / Finnkino
I did: Graphic design

Lauttakylä redesign
Another child leaves the nest. A newspaper redesign project that lasted more than a year was launched in the beginning of March. Dated design of Lauttakylä was changed into more energetic, typographically effective yet productive visual design / layout workflow. The result: in 2010 Lauttakylä was ranked in Finland's top 3 local newspaper in its category.
Client: Huittisten sanomalehti Oy
I did: Art direction, newsdesign, page templates, custom InDesign workflow scripting, training of staff, nameplate design

Protosonni web site
Protosonni is a state of the art prototype development service that bolsters with a promise: "We'll give you a working prototype in one week". And that's exactly what Leonidas provides. Their tongue-in-cheek – yet very professional attitude in software business is portrayed in this pretty masculine web layout.
Client: Leonidas Oy
I did: Art direction, css/xhtml, wordpress customization
Illustrations: Jari Paananen

Leonidas web site & blog
Leonidas – an agile software company – wanted an easily maintainable site that communicates their highly professional attitude. Solution was a Wordpress-based blog / CMS system that's heavily customized to meet their specific needs.
Client: Leonidas Oy
I did: Art direction, css/xhtml, wordpress customization
Photography: SSC International Ltd.

TUKES fireworks safety campaign
Safety Technology Authority of Finland decided to try something new with their traditional New Year fireworks safety campaign. We at Gemilo provided them with a complete social media package, including presence in Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Flickr as well as whole new site. These visuals are the core of the campaign.
Client: Gemilo Ltd. / TUKES
I did: Art direction, logo design, image editing, motion gfx
Coding & site building: Gemilo Ltd.
Photography: SSC International Ltd.

Infographics for Kiilto Oy chronicle
Chronicle of such a traditional company as Kiilto is definitely a dignified job. My infographics presented the growth of Kiilto in both terms of financial statistics and construction phases of factory area. Google Sketchup was of great help – what an inspirational piece of software.
Client: Kiilto Oy
I did: Infographics

Waraamo is a very flexible scheduling service for big and small businesses developed by our team at Gemilo Oy. Due to it's configurable, evolving and universal nature it was a demanding design challenge. How to create the one UI that fits all? The solution was a modular and fluid layout enhanced with a few customization options.
Employer: Gemilo Oy
I did: Visual design, UI design, xhtml / css implementation in mako templating environment.

PIRAMK infographics
Infgraphic presentation on complex issue of education processes, methods and categorizations. Target was to present this pool of information in clear yet attractive way.
Client: SSC International Ltd
I did: Research, infographics

Cityscape texture
Quick tiled texture illustration done for a client to use in an ad campaign. I like it.
Client: SSC International Ltd
I did: Illustration
The seven largest art museums of Helsinki metropolitan area (combined annual visitors nearly one million) created a new network brand and needed quality website and visual identity to make their co-operation visible. It was fabulous yet demanding project, in which our team managed to create the whole website and graphic identity in a very challenging time frame of only a few weeks.
Client: 7 largest art museums of Helsinki metropolitan area
I did: Graphic design, UI design, infodesign, xhtml/css/js implementation
Symfony programming: Alasin Media Oy
Selected work:
Tyrvään Sanomat

Award winning redesign of Finland's oldest local newspaper.
I did: Visual design, templating, training
Client: Tyrvään Sanomat Oy
EDGE Magazine

EDGE – skiing & outdoor magazine with a relaxed attitude.
I did: Visual design
Client: SSC International Oy
Art&Media 2.0

Promotional digipak DVD & 20-page brochure for TAMK Art and Media.
I did: Visual design, animated DVD-menus.
Client: Tampere University of Applied Sciences
History of NORDUnet

Complete visual and typographic design and execution of a company history book.
I did: Visual design
Client: NORDUnet A/S
Levottomat 3 DVD

Sophisticated DVD mograph menus made with love for a Finnish feature film.
I did: Motion graphics
Client: MÃ¥ndag Oy
Picture Gramophone

Karaoke creation and presentation system for dementia treatment purposes.
I did: Multimedia programming
Client: STAKES