An article on retro (game) music

August 23rd, 2013 by markku

Added to Related publications: Katsaus retropelikonemusiikin maailmaan by Esa Hakkarainen.

Two more and counting

August 11th, 2013 by markku

Ontology-Based Framework for Real-Time Audiovisual Art by Hastik, Steinmetz and Thull, plus Knowledge at Play by Ulrika Bennerstedt. More to come soon!

A scene(s) related call for papers out

August 5th, 2013 by markku

For those who would like to get their demo, cracker or warez scene related papers published: me and Antti will edit a special issue of WiderScreen, a Finnish academic online journal (the articles can be in English, too). See the CfP for details:

Virtualization & preservation of demos

July 17th, 2013 by markku

Came across a research paper called Virtualization for Preservation of Executable Art by Kam Woods (2008). A rare example of American demo research! 🙂

Carlsson’s thesis on chiptunes

July 16th, 2013 by markku

It’s long overdue, but I finally added Anders Carlsson’s master’s thesis, Power users and retro puppets – a critical study of the methods and motivations in chipmusic, from 2010 to the bibliography.

Shor & Eyal Fixed

July 4th, 2013 by markku

Thanks to Canan Hastik for a new link to DEMOing: An Emerging Artform or Just Another Digital Craft?, which was apparently republished in 2004 in Intelligent Agent 4.1.

More more more

June 20th, 2013 by markku

Plenty of additions today. A German book called Leben in Szenen, a Finnish MA thesis called Amigaskene, alakulttuuri tietokoneen puitteissa, and an article from the Finnish Skrolli magazine. Thanks to Viznut for pointing these out!

One more from Finland

June 12th, 2013 by markku

Antti Mutta’s recent BA thesis, Saudade-demoteoksen suunnittelu ja toteutus (Design and Implementation of Saudade Demo), added to the bibliography. This one is in Finnish, too.

An article on 4k intros

June 3rd, 2013 by markku

Markku’s article Neljän kilotavun taide dealing with 4k intros was published in WiderScreen, an academic online journal. In Finnish only, sorry about that 🙂

Demoscene research presentation

April 15th, 2013 by markku

Canan Hastik’s presentation from Revision’13, dealing with her study on the scene: