Archive for June, 2015

New scene stats

Monday, June 15th, 2015

Bent “Gloom” Stamnes has again updated his statistics on demoscene productions. See the blog post here:

Amiga ASCII art thesis

Friday, June 12th, 2015

Added Amiga ASCII -taide, Heikki Lotvonen’s BA thesis which was recently accepted at the Aalto University. The thesis is in Finnish and deals with Amiga ASCII art – the author has also made some nice works himself as the production part.

Demoscene music thesis

Monday, June 1st, 2015

We just added a detailed abstract of Brendan Ratliff’s MA thesis on tracked demoscene music. The author, known to demosceners as “Syphus”, produced an extraordinarily well-written introduction into tracked music, its history and technologies, its specific correlation with demoscene ethics, and its survival in the age of MP3. While originally defended in 2007, it was put online by the author only recently. We highly recommend it as a sound and enjoyable introduction into the subject. You can find the abstract, alongside with a link to the PDF version, in our bibliography.