Update article on Hackers
Monday, May 24th, 2010Added an article by Steven Levy (Levy 2010) where he pays a new visit to some of the interviewees from the book Hackers (Levy 1994/1984).
Added an article by Steven Levy (Levy 2010) where he pays a new visit to some of the interviewees from the book Hackers (Levy 1994/1984).
The new media art site rhizome.org will feature a collection of demoscene articles this week. Some of them by us, some by other demo researchers. The first article, an introduction to demos, is already up and more will follow later this week.
We now have some more material in the bibliography again, thanks to Doreen Hartmann. Among the additions are Heikkilä 2009, Cox 2009, Moschitto & Sen 2006, and an interesting collection of demo-related articles published in the Finnish online art magazine Mustekala.info.
As technical news, I have installed a mobile switcher to this site. You can now point the browsers of your PDA’s, phones and music players etc. to this address and get a custom site. Moreover the web page theme was selected so that the bibliography can be viewed in one page on a mobile browser. Maybe useful for having a glance at the bibliography for example at a seminar.
Markku will present his licentiate thesis (a Nordic intermediate degree between MSc and PhD) called “Computer Demos–What Makes Them Tick?” on the 12th of May at the Aalto University School of Science and Technology, IT house, classroom A142, at 10 AM. If the thesis is accepted it will appear online soon thereafter. Everybody’s welcome to attend the event!
This is only partly related to demoscene research, but I feel we should still link this extensive online bibliography. It is a collection of Finnish histories of technology written in languages other than Finnish or Swedish. Included are a lot of works on the history of computing.
As a technical news, we have been getting a lot of comment spam lately. I installed WP-SpamFree which hopefully helps.