Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Europe in 8 Bits

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

A recent documentary movie on the chipscene: Europe in 8 Bits. Available for purchase as DVD/BD or through a streaming service.

Four new titles

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

We’ve added a few new (and old) titles/abstracts to our ever-growing bibliography: Two German books on the 1980s cracking scene by Christian Stöcker (2011) and Matthias Horx (1984), a brand new paper on a C64 cracking/importing group from Peru (!) by Eduardo Marisca (2013), and a recent book chapter on games circulation in late-socialist Czechoslovakia by Jaroslav Švelch from 2010. Many more titles, especially from the early years, are in the pipeline – however, we always look for more additions! If you spot any relevant publications that are not included, please do contact us.

Um Papel

Friday, January 9th, 2015

Quite an extraordinary discovery this time: a Brazilian paper on demos by Emmanoel Ferreira and Abel Duarte, published at the VIII Simpósio Nacional da ABCiber (2014). The first ever demo article I’ve seen in Portuguese.

New Blood Joins This Earth… </sing>

Friday, January 9th, 2015

We’re happy to announce that we have a new editor who will help us speed up the updates – Antti hasn’t had much time lately and Markku has been quite burdened, too. Now Gleb has joined the crew. He’s currently doing his postdoc at the University of Zurich with a focus on software piracy. Expect some reorganizing and new items shortly.

Broken links fixed

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Thanks to Brian Qiu who pointed out some broken links. Now most of them should be ok again. There are some changes looming ahead in the near future, but more on that later.

Hacking Europe articles up

Sunday, December 7th, 2014

The book Hacking Europe plus two individual articles (Wasiak 2014, Silvast & Reunanen 2014) were added to the bibliography.

8-Bit Reggae

Sunday, December 7th, 2014

Still pondering if this should be added to the bibliography or not, but I know it’s of interest to some of you, for sure. The 8-Bit Reggae book by Nicolas Nova:

A new soul joins the party

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Added Gleb J. Albert to the Researchers page. He’s currently starting his postdoc at the University of Zürich. History of software piracy is one of his topics of interest.

Generation 64

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Swedes Jimmy Wilhelmsson and Kenneth Grönwall have recently published a book called Generation 64, which is, quite obviously, about the Commodore 64, its games, demos and how it has affected people’s lives. In Swedish only for now, but there might be an English translation later, provided there’s enough interest.

Two additions

Sunday, September 14th, 2014

A little warez dude article by Linus Walleij and the German translation of his Copyright finns inte added to the list, thanks to Gleb J. Albert.